Whether you’re a brand-new teenage driver or someone with years of driving experience under your belt, it’s always a good idea to brush up on your skills. Attentive and responsible driving helps to keep everyone on the road safe, preventing terrible accidents that cause injuries, deaths, and damages. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid while driving your car or truck.

Tailgating Other Vehicles

This common practice can lead to a serious accident that impacts multiple vehicles. Tailgating is often done during periods of traffic congestion, as impatient drivers inch forward and decrease the amount of space between vehicles.

You never know when someone could hit you from behind and send your vehicle flying forward, nor do you know when you’re going to have to slam on the brakes yourself, so aim to keep a couple of seconds of following distance between yourself and the cars ahead of you.

Not Adjusting Mirrors

Your rear-view mirror and both of your side-view mirrors are adjustable for a reason. When you buckle yourself into the driving seat, take a few minutes to adjust your mirrors. Your rear-view mirror should show you as much of the view outside your rear windshield as possible, while the side-view mirrors should show you all of the adjoining lane on either side.

Failing to Signal

Finally, not using your turn signals (or failing to keep your bulbs changed) can lead to an accident, since other drivers won’t have a clear idea of what you’re doing. Always use your turn signals; try to turn them on about 100 feet before making your maneuver, whether it’s a lane change or a left or right turn at an intersection. Also, pay attention to other drivers’ signals!

Visit our dealership in Franklinton, NC, today to view our full stock of used cars and trucks for sale. JPN Auto Import, LLC, proudly serves our customers in North Carolina and South Carolina.